
Section information

By AK9R, 4 October, 2023

The ARRL is the national association for Amateur Radio in the United States.  Founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim as The American Radio Relay League, ARRL is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs.

The ARRL is defined by five pillars:

  • Public Service
  • Advocacy
  • Education
  • Technology
  • Membership.

ARRL's mission is to promote and protect the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio, and to develop the next generation of radio amateurs.

By AK9R, 4 March, 2025

This article was downloaded from the QST archives on the ARRL website. The article discusses how the position of Section Manager was created in 1982. Prior to that, the top ARRL official within a section was the Section Communications Manager who was primarily responsible for traffic handling and emergency communications. With the creation of the Section Manager position, the role was expanded to include all aspects of the ARRL Field Organization within a section.

By AK9R, 31 January, 2025

The Section Manager is elected by ARRL members in the section every two years and is responsible for the ARRL programs in his or her section.  The Section Manager appoints several section-level coordinators to manage the day to day operations of the ARRL programs.  

Indiana Section Leadership

By AK9R, 16 November, 2024

Bruce Woodward W9UMH: 1984

Ronald J. Koczor W9TUS: 1986

Bruce Woodward W9UMH: 1988

Peggy Coulter W9JUJ: 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000

Jim Sellers K9ZBM: 2002, 2004, and 2006

Nobody was nominated for the 2008 spring election.

John Poindexter W3ML: 2009 (18-month term), 2010

Lou Everett Jr. WA5LOU: 2012

Joseph Lawrence K9RFZ: 2014

Brent Walls N9BA: 2016

Jimmy Merry KC9RPX: 2018, 2020

Bob Burns AK9R: 2022, 2024

By AK9R, 4 October, 2023

How can you get more involved?  Volunteer for an ARRL appointment.

The Indiana Section is looking for volunteers to serve in the ARRL Field Organization.  You can serve in several areas including emergency communications, traffic or message handling, public information, or help others with technical issues.  There is a place for everyone in the ARRL Field Organization.  

Station Level Appointments

Public Information Officer
Official Observer
Official Relay Station
Technical Specialist
Official Emergency Station

By AK9R, 4 October, 2023

For purposes of managing ARRL programs across the country, the ARRL is divided into 71 administrative sections across the United States and its territories.  The ARRL membership in each section elects a Section Manager every 2 years.  The Section Manager is responsible for managing the ARRL Field Organization programs in their respective sections.  The Section Manager appoints coordinators or section staff to help manage the programs.