Section news
Students who are under age 26, US residents, and US licensees can apply for ARRL membership at the reduced rate of $30/year. To apply for a student membership, go to:
Notice: Because of the network incident that has impacted ARRL operations, I am not able to send my weekly newsletter by email. Please check the Indiana ARRL website ( or the ARRL Indiana Section Facebook group ( for information.
== ARRL Systems Service Disruption ==
Notice: Because of the network incident that has impacted ARRL operations, I am not able to send my weekly newsletter by email. Please check the Indiana ARRL website ( or the ARRL Indiana Section Facebook group ( for information.
== ARRL Systems Service Disruption ==
ARRL Field Day is coming up on June 22-23, 2024 (Field Day is always the 4th full weekend of June). Field Day is a great opportunity for you and your club to connect with the local amateur radio community, to experiment with different antennas or different modes, and to have some fun making contacts. Field Day is also a great opportunity for you and your club to show served agencies, local governmental officials, and the general public what amateur radio is all about. Don't miss this chance to show off amateur radio!
Proclamation from the Governor of Indiana recognizing amateur radio and designating June 17-23, 2024, as Amateur Radio Appreciation Week.
Notice: Because of the network incident that has impacted ARRL operations, I am not able to send my weekly newsletter by email. Please check the Indiana ARRL website ( or the ARRL Indiana Section Facebook group ( for information.
== Friends we'll miss ==
Marvin Lamar KM4G of Solsberry
Robert Frederick W9ILA of Greenfield
That's all for this week. As always, if you have a question or concern, please contact me.
== ARRL Web Services Disruption ==
Some ARRL web services, such as the Learning Center, Logbook of the World, and the contest scores database, are currently offline due to what the ARRL calls "a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems". The ARRL VEC was interrupted for a few days, but is up and running again. For more information, see: