W1AW/9 IN December

By AK9R, 30 November, 2023

Amateur radio operators in Indiana will have the privilege of operating as W1AW/9 for one week starting December 13, 2023, at 0000 UTC.

Here are the guidelines that we are expected to follow:

  1. At all times, remember that you are representing the ARRL and the W1AW station.
  2. W1AW/9 operators must be ARRL members.
  3. Please use this operating event as an opportunity to encourage operators to get on the air and make contacts.
  4. Stations will operate using the W1AW/9 callsign, but they must operate within the limits of the highest license class of control operator present at the station. 
  5. Operators should make every effort to ensure that the frequency is clear before transmitting.
  6. Operation will be on the amateur radio bands of 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, plus the VHF/UHF bands. Operators can use any mode compliant with the FCC rules for amateur radio for the band they operating on.
  7. No more than one station can be on the air using any band/mode at the same time. If a W1AW/9 station is operating on 20m CW, no other W1AW/9 station can operate on 20m CW at the same time. However, a W1AW/9 station could be on 20m SSB or 20m Data at the same time as the 20m CW station.
  8. There will be no QSL cards issued for contacts with W1AW/9. All contacts will be confirmed using Logbook of the World.
  9. All stations operating as W1AW/9 are expected to provide an electronic log in ADIF format. Each log must include the date/time (UTC), callsign, band, and mode of each contact made as W1AW/9 and include the W1AW/9 station's county, grid, and CQ/ITU zone. All logs are to be emailed to the W1AW/9 IN Coordinator within 5 days of the completion of the W1AW/9 IN operation.

The coordinator for the W1AW/9 IN December operation is Bob Burns AK9R. If you have questions, concerns, or a log to submit, please email Bob at ak9r@arrl.org.

There is an online schedule tool available at: https://ok.arrl.org/w1awin/  Please use this tool to select your desired date/time/band/mode. The timeslots are in 2 hour segments, but you don't have to operate the entire 2 hours.
